Juice Fasting & Detoxification
by Steve Meyerowitz
$10.95 - Softcover - 137 pages
The human body has an incredible capacity for healing and longeviity. Within it is an intelligence more powerful than any drugs or surgeon's knife. Fasting gives your body the well-deserved vacation it needs to repair itself. The power that made the body can heal the body. Fasting and juice therapy revamp your health from the inside out. This book shows you how to tap that power and how to fit it into a busy lifestyle. It's easier than you think. Even just one fast per week provides 50 rejuvenating days per year. Give your cells and yourselves the opportunity to cleanse, nourish, rejuvenate and heal.
Fasting is the "Elixir of Life". This book is a classic on juice fasting. It shows you how to enjoy this delicious and wonderful elixir. I have guided more than a 1,000 people through juice fasting and from now on I will be recommending this book to all the people who are fasting at the Tree of Life Rejuvenation Center.
-- Gabriel Cousens M. D., Director, Tree of Life Rejuvenation Center,
Author, Conscious Eating and Spiritual Nutrition and the Rainbow Diet
"Fasting and detoxification are the missing link in American nutrition. They're the most important healing tools I use. Meyerowitz does a fantastic job in explaining these fundamental rejuvenating concepts for everyone to understand."
-- Elson Haas, M.D., author of The Detox Diet and Staying Healthy Shoppers Guide