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Raw Juicing

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  • Leslie Kenton, an award-winning writer, television broadcaster and teacher, is well-known for her no-nonsense approach. Highly respected for her in-depth reporting, she is described as "the most original voice in health and beauty" and the "guru of health and fitness." A consultant to the European Parliament for the Green Party and course developer for Britain's Open University, Leslie is responsible for more than 40 bestselling books on health, beauty and spirituality, including one novel and a memoir. Trained in acupuncture, nutrition, bioenergetics, and energy medicine, she is a member of AAMET and NTCB in the U.S. and a certified homeotheraputics consultant. Leslie lectures and and teaches natural methods of enhancing health, creativity and personal power which enable people to gain more control over their own lives and make better use of their personal creativity.
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Product Description

Raw Juicing
by Leslie Kenton

$12.95 - Softcover - 218 pages

Everyone agrees that adding more fresh fruits and vegetables to your diet will make you feel better, look better and be healthier. But if eating a plate full of raw foods isn't your idea of a tasty meal, then this book is for you.

Raw Juicing shows how to transform that boring plate of raw foods into an amazingly delicious, super-nutritious beverage. Follow the book's simple, straightforward program and you will not only enjoy drinking your fruits and vegetables, you will also gain the benefits of eating raw, including

  • Natural weight loss without dieting
  • Better resistancewx to colds and flus
  • Rejuvenation of the body
  • Heightened energy
  • Greater mental clarify and emotional balance


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