Over 130 Simple Raw Recipes for Radiant Health
by Susan Powers
$16.95 - Softcover - 245 pages
Susan Power's Rawmazing combines gourmet flavors with everyday recipes that are practical for the real-world home chef. This impressive collection will convert family and friends with its rich flavor profiles and amazing health benefits. The raw food movement has vastly improved Powers's life and she's dedicated to showing readers how it can change theirs.
Inside you'll find everything you'll need to go raw:
If cooking destroys the vital and essential nutrients that our bodies need, then raw food provides the maximum amount of nutrients per meal. When Susan Powers started eating at least 80 percent raw, she suddenly had more energy, a healthy glow, mental clarity, and fewer health problems. Feed your body what it needs to thrive, not just survive.
Susan Powers is an inspiring teacher and an accomplished cook who created a whole new raw—easy beautiful food that tasted the same, if not better, than its cooked counterpart. In 2009, Powers launched Rawmzing.com, blogging about her experiments and posting her recipes. Immediately her blog began to attract a loyal and vocal following. Bringing traditional food preparation methods into the raw world, and balancing, flavor, color and texture, Powers introduced us to a practical raw lifestyle.