The Miracle of Fasting
Proven Throughout History
for Physical, Mental & Spiritual Rejuvenation
by Paul Bragg N.D., Ph.D. and Patricia Bragg N.D., Ph.D.
$9.95 - Softcover - 262 pages
Our bodies have a natural self-cleansing for maintaining a clean, healthy body and our "river of life"- our blood. It's essential we keep our entire bodily machinery from head to toes healthy and in good working order so nothing breaks down!
Fasting is the best detoxifying method. It's also the most effective and safest way to increase elimination of waste buildups and enhance the body's miraculous self-healing and self-repairing process that keeps you healthy and youthful.
If you prepare for a fast by eating a cleansing diet for 1 to 2 days, this can greatly facilitate the cleansing process. Fresh variety salads and organic vegetables, fruits and their juices as well as fruit pep drinks and green drinks (alfalfa, barley greens, chlorella, spirulina, wheatgrass, etc.) stimulates waste elimination. Fresh foods and juices can literally pick up dead matter from your body and dispose of it. After pre-cleansing period start your fast.
Daily, even on most fast days, we take from 1,000 to 3,000 mg. of mixed vitamin C powder (C concentrate, acerola, rosehips and bioflavonoids) in liquids. It's a potent antioxidant and flushes out deadly free radicals. It also promotes collagen production for new healthy tissues and it's also important if you are detoxifying from prescription drugs or alcohol overload.
A moderate, well planned distilled water fast is our favorite or the introductory fast of diluted fresh fruit juice (35% distilled water). Both can cleanse your body of excess mucus, old fecal matter, trapped cellular, non-food wastes and help remove inorganic minerals deposits and sludge from your pipes and joints.
Fasting works by self-digestion. During a fast your body intuitively will decompose and burn only the substances and tissues that are damaged, diseased, or unneeded, such as abscesses, tumors, excess fat deposits, excess water and congestive wastes. Even a short fast (1 to 3 days) will accelerate elimination from your liver, kidneys, lungs, bloodstream and skin. Sometimes you will experience dramatic changes (cleansing and healing crisis) as accumulated wastes are expelled. With your first fast you may temporarily have cleansing headaches, fatigue, body odor, bad breath, coated tongue, mouth sores, and even diarrhea, as your body is cleaning house. Please be patient with your body!
After a fast your body begins to healthfully rebalance when you faithfully follow the Bragg Healthy Lifestyle. Your weekly 24 hour fast removes toxins on a regular basis, so they don't accumulate. Your energy levels will rise and shine- physical, mental, emotionally and spiritually. Your creativity expands. You will feel like a "new you" — which you are — you are being cleansed, purified and reborn. Fasting is a miracle!
About the authors:
Paul Bragg N.D., Ph.D. was a legend and beloved health crusader to millions. Bragg was the inspiration and personal health and fitness advisor to top Olympic Stars from 4-time swimming Gold Medalist Murray Rose to 3-time track Gold Medalist Betty Cuthbert of Australia, his relative (pole-vaulting Gold Medalist), Don Bragg and countless others. Jack LaLanne, the original TV Fitness King, says "Bragg saved my life at age 15 when I attended the Bragg Crusade in Oakland, California." From the earliest days, Bragg advised the greatest Hollywood Stars and giants of American Business. JC Penny, Del E. Webb, Dr. Scholl and Conrad Hilton are just a few who he inspired to long, successful, healthy, active lives!
Dr. Bragg has changed the lives of millions worldwide in all walks of life with the Bragg Health Crusades, Books, Radio and TV appearances.
Patricia Bragg N.D., Ph.D. has been a Health Consultant to American Presidents and British Royalty, to Betty Cuthbert, Australia's "Golden Girl," who holds 16 world records and four Olympic gold medals in women's track and to New Zealand's Olympic Track and Triathlete Star, Allison Roe. Among those who come to her for advice are some of Hollywood's top stars from Clint Eastwood to the ever-youthful singing group, The Beach Boys and their families, Singing Stars of the Metropolitan Opera and top Ballet Stars. Patricia's message is of world-wide appeal to people of all ages, nationalities and walks-of-life. Those who follow The Bragg Health Lifestyle and attend the Bragg Crusades world-wide are living testimonials... like ageless, super athlete, Jack LaLanne, who at age 15 went from sickness to Total Health!