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Plant Roots - 101 Reasons Why the Human Diet is Rooted Exclusively in Plants

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Plant Roots
101 Reasons Why The Human Diet is Rooted Exclusively in Plants
by Rex Bowlby

$17.95 - Softcover - 516 pages


Are we herbivores designed to acquire our foods exclusively from the plant kingdom? Plant Roots compiles the evidence in an original presentation to answer the question.

From the contrasting properties of plant and animal foods, to their contrasting effects on our health and the environment. From concrete science and studies, to the logical interpretation of nature and religion. From human evolution and anatomy, to the diets of other countries and cultures. From how economic interests have influenced our food choices, to how human empowerment can eclipse them. When the information is assembled the pieces fit like a jigsaw puzzle and the picture is unmistakable.

What diet we choose might be our most critical life choice. We can't afford to be wrong. We can't afford not to read Plant Roots.

"Just give me the facts—and Rex Bowlby does, with this thorough, well-organized, fully-referenced explanation of the miraculous benefits of a plant-food based diet for you and for the whole human race. After reading Plant Roots only the most bullheaded will fail to be changed to healthier food choices. This book will have a permanent place on my library shelf."
—John McDougall, M.D., Medical Director - McDougall Residential Program
Author of 10 national best-selling books on nutrition, medicine, and health.

"Plant Roots is packed with important and accurate information about how to stay healthy—or to regain health when it has been lost. It is engagingly written and a joy to read."
—Neal Barnard, M.D., author Food for Life and Eat Right, Live Longer.
President - Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM)

"Rex Bowlby makes a clear and compelling case for a vegetarian diet in his brilliant book, Plant Roots. A must-read for everyone who wants to better understand how a poor diet affects us and the world around us."
—Ed Begley, Jr., actor, writer and director

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