Living on Live Food
with Alissa Cohen
2-set DVD - Running time: 3 1/2 hours - $29.99
An up-close and personal session with Alissa Cohen!
Watch and listen as Alissa prepares over 20 delicious, mouthwatering recipes. You will be sitting in on a 3 1/2 hour food preparation class and in-depth discussion of the raw and living food diet along with two of Alissa's clients.
Witnessing this live, one on one, 3 1/2 hour presentation of the raw and living food diet (recipe preparation, client interaction, questions and answers, etc.) is invaluable not only for learning how to prepare raw and living food but also in catching the excitement and enthusiasm of how miraculous, life changing and fun this way of eating can be!
Don't miss the finale which captures the amazing weight loss transformations of Nancy and Sharon after their 30 day challenge to stay 100% raw!