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Hitler: Neither Vegetarian nor Animal Lover

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  • Rynn Berry is the historical advisor to the North American Vegetarian Society (NAVS) and is on the advisory board of EarthSave. In his lectures, articles and books, he has specialized in the study of vegetarianism from a historical perspective. Recently, Rynn was commissioned to write the entry on the history of vegetarianism in America for the Oxford Encyclopedia of American Food and Drink (2004).
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Product Description

Neither Vegetarian Nor Animal Lover

by Rynn Berry

$10.95 - Softcover - 81 pages

"Rynn Berry lays to rest the myth that Hitler was a vegetarian. The Fuhrer gorged on Bavarian sausages, ham, liver and pigeon, though he occasionally went on 'vegetarian' binges to cure his flatulence and excessive sweating."
Publishers Weekly

The myth that Adolf Hitler was an ethical vegetarian refuses to die! Even some misinformed eminent Hitler biographers have asserted that Hitler was not only an ethical vegetarian, but also a vegetarian rawfoodist! Now, vegetarian historian, Rynn Berry, who is the author of such vegetarian classics as Famous Vegetarians and Their Favorite Recipes, and Food For The Gods: Vegetarianism and the World's Religions, adroitly demolishes the seeming paradox that a genocidal tyrant could have been an animal lover and an ethical vegetarian. Eloquently written and thoroughly researched, Hitler: Neither Vegetarian Nor Animal Lover provides a necessary corrective to one of history's biggest and most enduring lies.

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