Heinerman's Encyclopedia
of Healing Juices
by John Heinerman
$14.95 - Softcover - 319 pages
Here is your complete guide to using the incredible healing power of raw fruit and vegetable juices to maximize health and boost your immune system. Noted medical anthropologist John Heinerman shows you how to multiply your body's ability to fight disease and infection—all with the healing power of 83 natural juices.
These healing juices—all of which can be purchased inexpensively or made quickly and easily at home—have been proven effective in relieving scores of ailments. You'll learn how to treat or prevent such problems as:
Allergies, Arthritis, Birth Defects, Cancer, Chronic Fatigue, Colitis, Constipation, Diabetes, Eczema, Failing Eyesight, Heart Problems, Heartburn, Hypoglycemia, Kidney Problems, Influenza, Liver Disease, Lung Disease, Fever, Gall Bladder Problems, Joint Pain, Osteoporosis, Pancreatitis, Parkinson's Disease, Psoriasis, Sinus Troubles, Skin Problems, Toothaches, Ulcers, Weight Gain, Women's Disorders, and much more!
Also included is comprehensive information on how and when to buy fruits and vegetables to get the freshest and most effective goods for the least expensive price.