Fasting and Eating for Health
by Joel Fuhrman, M.D.
$13.95 - Softcover - 255 pages
A Medical Doctor's Program for Conquering Disease
"Dr. Fuhrman's powerful and practical guidelines apply for conditions ranging from the common cold to serious heart problems. This program provides an alternative to the costly and all-too-common side effects of surgery and drugs."
—Andrew Nicholson, M.D., Director of Preventive Medicine,
Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine
"By individually tailoring nutrition plans based on a case-by-case basis, Fuhrman has treated hundreds of patients with rheumatoid arthritis successfully"
—Vegetarian Times
"I know that every health seeker in America will want to read this book. It provides a working knowledge of vital information that is currently known to relatively few people. Share it with those you love."
—John Pilla, M.D.