Dr. Ann Wigmore's Living Foods Lifestyle
DVD - Running time: 2 1/2 hours - $29.99
Filmed at the Ann Wigmore Natural Health Institute in Puerto Rico
Experience the Joy of Vibrant Health and Rejuvenation!
Learn How to be a Raw Living Foods Vegetarian!
Featuring Delicious Recipes by Rhio, Author of Hooked on Raw
Beyond "Raw": Discover why you need raw "LIVING" Food!
The Ann Wigmore Natural Health Institute is a non-profit school that teaches everything you need to know to be a raw LIVING FOODS vegetarian!
Class excerpts include:
About Ann Wigmore 1909-1993:
Teacher, healer and pioneer in the Living Foods movement, Dr. Ann Wigmore dedicated her life to educating people around the world about the transforming qualities of living foods. She authored numerous books including The Wheatgrass Book, Be Your Own Doctor, and Why Suffer? Her extensive research and self-healing back in the 60s created a program that is acknowledged by Viktoras Kulvinskas, Gabriel Cousens, MD, David Wolfe and every Raw-Live food teacher today.