Don't Dine Without Enzymes
by Victor Kulvinskas M.S.
$3.00 - Pamphlet - 25 pages
The title of this booklet, Don't Dine Without Enzymes, offers you the information you'll need to make one of the most far-reaching and profound health decisions of your life: Will you "dine without enzymes" - and take your chances of succumbing to avoidable degenerative diseases? Or, will you choose life by eating live in the form of supplemental plant-based aspergillus enzymes?
"To say that the body can easily digest and assimilate cooked foods may someday prove to be the most grievous oversight yet committed by science."
—Edward Howell M.D., Enzyme Nutrition
"Biology will be to the 21st century what physics and chemistry were to this century... The main area of interest [will be] the production of enzymes, or living catalysts, which [will] act in the same way as chemical catalysts.
—John Naisbitt, 1992, Megatrends, Ten New Directions
"Enzyme is the most promising word in research today. Today, many researchers are convinced that virtually all disease can be traced to missing or faulty enzymes."
—Today's Health, American Medical Association, '62
"Anyone eating cooked food ...should take food enzyme supplements to compensate for the destroyed, naturally occurring food enzymes that were previously in the food... Even if a person eats 90% live food, if they have imbalances, they would do well to take it."
—Gabriel Cousens, M.D., Conscious Eating (1992)